I Got In His Head: 600+ Weight Loss Success

I Got In His Head: 600+ Weight Loss Success

I got in his head: 600+ pound weight loss

I Got In His Head: 600+ Weight Loss Success

He Never thought he would leave his house again!

Imagine not being able to leave your house. Imagine only being able to watch the cars go by.  Imagine you are too big for a bathtub, a kitchen chair, or a sofa. 

This was the life of my first weight loss mind shift client. Did I know to name it back then? Absolutely not. Looking back I understand the process and the shift that got him down 400+ pounds, out of the house and in a healthy relationship in one year!

"I'll pay you $200 a visit!"

Working as a massage therapist in the 90s, I received some really interesting phone calls. My going rate back then was $60 dollars an hour. I placed ads in the newspaper to get my clients. (It was popular then) 

This particular day, I received a page from an unfamiliar number in an area code unknown. It was 1 hour away. A desperate man on the other end. “I’ll pay you $200 a visit plus travel.” I was thinking there is only one thing a person wants for $200 an hour and I was not giving it up. “Sir, I think you have the wrong number.” He begged me to listen. “I am a homebody and I hurt all the time. You can bring anyone you like just come see me. I will pay you for your time if you choose not to take the offer” $200 back then is like $500 today or close. 

Needless to say, I went to listen.

We negotiated $200 a visit for a massage and $75 for gas 3 times a week. 

Client: Male, 6’5, weighing 600+ pounds, and stuck in his home!

I will never forget the first encounter. I nervously knocked on the door, he opened it and everything went black! I screamed with such fright. Then, I composed myself. Apologized. He was very understanding. I screamed because he covered the door and it blackened by view. He was that obese.  

One day, he knocked me down while I was walking on his back. That was the only way to give him a deep tissue massage. I fell down because he wanted to reach for food. I felt so disrespected as a therapist and a professional. I was dripping in sweat, exhausted, hurt and full of frustration. 

I screamed out… “What happened to you!” 

He explained he was a model and dated one and she left him for an uglier (his opinion) guy. I was dumbfounded. (I understand now people have all kinds of reasons to shut down) I was pissed. I asked… “Are you kidding me” “NO” He said with such a whimpering look. 

I screamed with a soul-piercing tone… “So, you just going to lay there and let her win? ” I bet she is happy knowing she made the right decision. Every time, she thinks about you, she is satisfied knowing she left you.” 

He sat silent. I asked him… DO YOU WANT HELP? He whispered “Yes”

I created a plan to create a mind shift in order to get him ready to lose weight and keep it off!

We meditated, created affirmations for mirror therapy, and wrote a 10-page vision statement. We ordered the largest treadmill that would hold him and he walked till he was tired. Rested and walked more. He ate only when hungry. Drank water and tea basically all day to flush toxins. 

HE LOST 400+ Pound in a YEAR!


My Soulutions: Solutions to heal the soul & the body!


In order to change your mind you have to be still and tap into your inner core value system and listen to what it is trying to tell you.

Mirror Affirmation
Mirror Affirmation

I use mirror affirmations to create change by instruction to your inner child or wounded being.

Write Your VIsion
Write Your Vision

The prophet Amos said “Write the vision. Make it plain so the coming generations can see it. Write it down etches it into the mind of the creator spirit. Manifestation follows.

Book your Call With
Dr. Hope

Are you struggling to accomplish some hurdle and nothing is working. You may need a mind shift in order to move forward. Book a call with Dr. Hope to see if she can assist you with your breakthrough.

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